Binary Puzzle is NP-complete

Net puzzleBinary Puzzle (also known as Binary Sudoku) is an addictive puzzle played on a $n \times n$ grid; intially some of the cells contain a zero or a one; the aim of the game is to fill the empty cells according to the following rules:

  • Each cell should contain a zero or a one and no more than two similar numbers next to or below each other are allowed
  • Each row and each column should contain an equal number of zeros and ones
  • Each row is unique and each column is unique

We prove that the decision version of Binary Puzzle is NP-complete.

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IcoSoKu solver

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Faces example

I wrote a simple javascript IcoSoKu solver. You can enter the configuration of the 12 yellow pins in the text boxes and click “Solve IcoSoKu” to calculate the solution. For example if you have the yellow pin 5 on vertex A (the top vertex), you must type 5 in the Pin A text box. The faces are identified with their three yellow pins (see a small example on the right).

The 20 white tiles are identified with their black dots; for example (2,2,0) represents the tile with two black dots in the first and second corner and zero dots on the third.If the solution says put tile (1,2,3) on face [11,12,7], then you must put the white tile on the bottom-left face, and rotate it until 1 black dot is on yellow pin 11, 2 black dots are on yellow pin 12 and 3 black dots are on yellow pin 7. You can also generate a random yellow pins configuration clicking “Random IcoSoKu”.

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